olympiad Exam

Mathematical Olympiad 2018-19

The Mathematical Olympiad Programme in India is organized by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) on behalf of the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India.
For the purpose of training and selection of students for the Olympiad contest, 25 regions all over the country have been designated and each assigned a Regional Coordinator. Additionally, two groups of schools: Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNV) and Kendriya Vidyalayas (KV) are also treated as separate regions and have a ‘Regional Coordinator’ each.
Mathematical Olympiad Programme (MOP)  in India consists of six stages as outlined below:  math
Stage 1: Pre- Regional Mathematical Olympiad (PRMO)
Exam Date & Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM (3 Hrs.) ; 19th August 2018
Number of Question : 30 (The answer to each question is either a single digit number or a two digit number)
Medium of Paper: Hindi and English Medium (*  Students who require the Hindi version will need to indicate their choice at the time of registration for PRMO.)
Eligibility: Candidates born on or after August 1, 1999 and are studying in Class 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12, are eligible to write PRMO 2018. Further candidates must be Indian citizens.
On the basis of performance in PRMO, up to 300 students from Classes 8,9,10,11 and up to 60 students from class 12 will be selected to participate in RMO from each of the regions other than KV and JNV. 
For KV and JNV, up to 5 per cent top performers from Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and up to 1 percent from Class 12 will be selected to participate in RMO.
The organizational responsibility for conducting the PRMO exam is jointly with the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT: http://www.iapt.org.in) and the Mathematics Teachers Association (MTA:http://www.mtai.org.in)
A link to a portal will be made available at  http://olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in/olympiads-2018-19/mathematical-olympiad/ where schools can register as “registration centres”. During students’ registration, these registration centres are expected to accept fees from students from any school and register them at the portal.
The fee will be Rs 220 for each student and the registration centre will retain Rs 20 (to be used for making student lists and printing admission tickets) and transfer the rest to the address mentioned. There will be a reduced fee for KV and JNV students whose schools will be used for conducting the PRMO.
Portal will be open from June 1 to June 15 for centre registration and from June 1 to June 30 for student registration.
The centre registration closes on June 15, 2018.
The list of “registration centres” will be available on the PRMO website from June 15 2018.
The KVs and JNV schools will be exam centres. Certain other exam centres may be selected carefully and will be mentioned on the website.
Each regional co-ordinator (including the co-ordinators for the groups KV and JNV) will receive the list of students eligible to write RMO by September 15th. Each Regional Co-ordinator shall conduct the RMO in her/his region on October 7th, 2018. The list of students who qualify for RMO will also be announced on the HBCSE website.
Stage 2: Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO):
Exam Date: 1.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m ; Sunday, 7th October 2018 
The RMO is a three hour written test with six problems.
On the basis of the performance in RMO, up to 30 students from Classes 8,9,10,11 and up to 6 students from Class 12 from each region are selected for Stage 3 (INMO).
In the context of participation in EGMO it is decided that up to five girls be additionally selected ONLY FROM AMONG STUDENTS STUDYING IN CLASSES 8, 9, 10 and 11, apart from the general quota of 30 students for each region. Girl students studying in Class 12 will not be eligible for the additional girls’ quota.
The results of RMO for all the regions are to be declared centrally by HBCSE on or before 6th December, 2018
Stage 3: Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO)
Exam Date: 12.00 PM to 4.00 PM, January 20, 2019
This contest is a four hour written test.
Only those students who are selected in RMO 2018 and those who have received an INMO certificate of merit in 2018 are eligible to appear for the INMO 2019.
On the basis of the INMO, the top 30 students from Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and the top 6 students from Class 12 in merit from all over the country will be chosen as INMO awardees. 
In addition to INMO awardees, the next 45 students who have performed well in INMO, but have not qualified as INMO awardees, are awarded INMO certificates of merit. These students will be eligible to appear for INMO 2020 directly without qualifying through RMO 2019.
In addition to the INMO awardees, up to five girl students (outside the INMO awardees list) will be chosen based on the performance in INMO, for training and possible selection in the EGMO 2020 team. Girl students studying in Class 12 will not be eligible for the additional girls’ quota.
All INMO awardees, the selected girl students as above and all the students designated as senior students of IMOTC 2018 will be eligible to write APMO. The APMO tests will be held in the respective regions.
The INMO results will be declared in the last week of February.
Stage 4: International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC)
The INMO awardees and the girls selected from INMO for training are invited to a month long training camp in April-May each year at the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), Mumbai. Besides, the INMO awardees from the previous years and the selected girl students of the previous year’s who are eligible for IMO-2018/EGMO-2019 and have gone through postal tuition throughout the year satisfactorily are
invited to the training camp as senior students.
On the basis of a number of selection tests during the Camp, a team of the best six students is selected from the combined pool of junior and senior batch participants as the IMO 2019 Team.
Stage 5: Pre-Departure Training Camps
The selected team of six students goes through another final round of training and orientation for about ten days prior to departure for IMO. A Pre-departure camp will also be arranged for girl students selected for participation in EGMO 2019, at a suitable time.
Syllabus for Mathematical Olympiad: The syllabus for Mathematical Olympiad (pre-regional, regional, national and international) is pre-degree college mathematics.
The areas covered are:
  • arithmetic of integers,
  • geometry,
  • quadratic equations and expressions,
  • Trigonometry,
  • co-ordinate geometry
  • system of linear equations
  • permutations and combination
  • factorisation of polynomial
  • Inequalities
  • Elementary combinatorics
  • Probability theory and number theory
  • Finite series and complex numbers
  • Elementary graph theory.
The syllabus does not include calculus and statistics. The major areas from which problems are given are algebra, combinatorics, geometry and number theory. The syllabus is in a sense spread over Class XI to Class XII levels, but the problems under each topic involve high level of difficulty and sophistication. The difficulty level
increases from PRMO to RMO to INMO to IMO.
For more detail, Visit: http://olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in/olympiads-2018-19/mathematical-olympiad/

NSTSE 2018

National Level Science Talent Search Examination – 2018 is a diagnostic test which helps students improve their overall learning ability and educational performance.
NSTSE helps each student to know early, whether he/she has properly understood a concept, so that immediate action can be taken to correct the aberration and pave a path for improvement. Often, students develop conceptual gaps which increase as the students go to higher classes and turn those into a ‘phobia’ for the subject. School tests – including board exams – tend to test children superficially, only to the extent what they have memorized. But the important skills like the ability to think independently and reason logically – most critical in today’s world – are often not aimed at or tested in school tests. Thus, unlike other tests which may only find out how much a student knows or has memorized, NSTSE measures how well a student has understood the concepts.
The focus on fundamentals is very important as when the child finishes studies he/she will have to face the competitive world armed with those fundamentals. Even while opting for higher studies, a student has to go through a complete scan of what he/she knows and how much. Exams like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, AFMC, AIIMS, GRE, GMAT, CAT etc., are designed to test the fundamental strength of a student. Hence the need of the hour is to build the fundamental-base as strong and as early as possible. This exactly is the philosophy behind Unified Council’s NSTSE.
NSTSE is unlike other tests in many different ways. It
  • has interesting questions that require thinking, not simply a recall.
  • provides detailed skill-wise feedback highlighting strengths and weaknesses
  • provides a benchmark of the student’s performance and his/her peers.
Date of Examination:24-01-2018
Time:09:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
Last Date for Receipt of Applications::15-11-2017
Date of examination for Individual /Direct applicants: 04-02-2018(Sunday)
Each class has a different question paper.
All questions are objective-type with no negative marking for wrong answers.
ClassNo. Of QuestionsMarks
* Duration of the examination for all classes 90 minutes.

Division of marks in the Question Paper :
For Classes VI to X :
General Questions:10
For Classes XI & XII (PCM)
General Questions:10
For Classes XI & XII (PCB)
General Questions:10
NSTSE is beased on the CBSE syllabus. 85% of the Syllabus is considered for setting the NSTSE Question Papers.
NSTSE Question Papers are also suitable for students of ICSE/ISC and Various other State Board/Matriculation Syllabi.
Important link:
Official Websitehttp://www.unifiedcouncil.com/
Online Registration linkhttp://www.unifiedcouncil.com/options.aspx

National Olympiad Programme in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy & Junior Science 2017-2018

The international Olympiad movement is aimed at bringing the most talented secondary and higher secondary students of the world together in a friendly competition of the highest level. The Olympiads are not merely competitions, they are the meeting places of the brightest young minds of the world, and many friendships forged at the Olympiads form the seeds of scientific collaboration later in life. Much like the Olympics in sports, the Olympiads are a celebration of the very best in school level science and mathematics.
The nodal agency for all the science and mathematics Olympiads in the country is the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) – a national centre of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). The Olympiad programme is run in close collaboration with the teacher associations, the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), and the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences (ATBS). The first stage of the Olympiad examinations is conducted
by IAPT, while the later stages are the responsibility of HBCSE.
The science Olympiad programme is fully funded by the Government of India through the Board of Research in Nuclear ScienceDepartment of Atomic Energy (BRNS, DAE)Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and the Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space (ISRO, DoS). The national Olympiads are overseen by a National Steering Committee (NSC), constituted by DAE, and comprised of members of each funding agency as well as eminent experts in each subject.
The national Olympiad programme follows a five stage process, starting with an examination held at nearly 1400 schools across the country and culminating with the international Olympiads at different corners of the world. The national level examinations are designed to assess the conceptual understanding, logical reasoning, laboratory skills, and above all, ability to apply problem-solving skills to novel situations, both theoretical and experimental. Training is included from the third stage of the programme and the first two stages do not necessarily require any specialized coaching
outside the regular school system.
Olympiads are internationally recognized competitions in various fields of knowledge. They are the highest level examinations and are hosted by different countries every year. Participation in any of the Olympiads has worldwide recognition and is considered as a great achievement. International Olympiads are held every year in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and Junior Science.
Stages of Science Olympiad
The National Science Olympiad starts with an examination held at nearly 1400 schools across the country and culminates with the international Olympiads at different corners of the world. The national level examinations are designed to assess the conceptual understanding, logical reasoning, laboratory skills, and above all, ability to apply problem-solving skills to novel situations, both theoretical and experimental. Training is included from the third stage of the programme and the first two stages do not necessarily require any specialized coaching outside the regular school system.
nse stage.png

Stage I – National Standard Examinations (NSEs) 2017
The first stage examination, the National Standard Examination (NSE) is the organisational responsibility of the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT). The academic responsibility for Chemistry and Biology rests with the Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT) and the Association of Teachers in Biological Sciences (ATBS) respectively, while Physics, Astronomy and Junior Science are handled by IAPT itself. NSEP, NSEC, NSEB and NSEA are at CBSE class XII level while NSEJS is at CBSE class X level. These NSEs are the First and the only screening tests leading towards International Olympiads in the respective subjects.
Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry and Physics:
  1. Must be an Indian citizen.
  2. Date of birth between 1 July 1998 and 30 June 2003, both days inclusive.
  3. Must not have completed (or scheduled to complete) class 12 board examination earlier than 30 November 2017 i.e. for the students studying in class 11th & 12th.
  4. Must not have commenced (or planning to commence) studies in a university or equivalent institution by 1 June, 2018.
  5. Must not be appearing in NSEJS 2017.
Junior Science:
  1. Must be an Indian citizen.
  2. Date of birth between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2004, both days inclusive.
  3. Must not have completed (or scheduled to complete) class 10 board examination earlier than 30 November 2017.
  4. Must not be appearing in any of NSEA, NSEB, NSEC or NSEP 2017.
Students can enroll only through NSE centers and direct enrollment using online registration is not considered.
Enrollment of students registration, fees payment will be from September 01, 2017 to September 15, 2017.  Fee payment can be done till September 18th.
Downloading of Admit card – First week of November – 2017.
Registered NSE Centers:
Students have to visit above NSEs centers for enrolling their names and paying the required fee.
  • Registration Fee: Rs. 100/- per student per subject.
  • Fee is to be paid to the centre in-charge of the centre where Students have
    enrolled  the name. No direct remittance to IAPT is permissible.
  • No TA/ DA is admissible for NSE (Stage I Examination).
  • Please note that NSEs are the organizational responsibility of IAPT. In case of any queries about NSEA, NSEB, NSEC, NSEJS and NSEP or any difficulty in getting enrolled for these examinations, contact the following persons:
Prof. G. Venkatesh (Chief Coordinator, IAPT Examinations), Prof. M. K. Raghavendra (NSE Coordinator) , F11A, 1st floor, Old Physics Building, UG Programme, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012 E-mail:iapt.nse@gmail.com Tel. No: 080-49087030 (Mon-Fri : 10.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 17.00)
Stage II – Indian National Olympiad Examinations (INOs)
The second stage in the selection process, the Indian National Olympiads in Astronomy (INAO), Biology (INBO), Chemistry (INChO), Junior Science (INJSO) and Physics (INPhO) is organized by HBCSE.  These examinations will be held at about 18 centres in the country. The list of students selected for the INOs according to the criteria given below will be published by January 15, 2018 on the website: olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in.
All students appearing in INOs must register themselves on the above website after the publication of the list in order to obtain their INO admit cards. This registration is mandatory for appearing in INO. Unlike previous year, failure to register for INO will result in  disqualification of the candidate for INO.
Selection for the Stage II examinations, i.e., Indian National Olympiad Examinations (INOs) is based on the following scheme.
  • Eligibility Clause:  A candidate must secure a score equal to or greater than a Minimum Admissible Score (MAS) in Stage I. The MAS for a given subject will be 50% of the average of the top ten scores in that subject rounded off to the nearest lower integer.
  • Merit Index Clause: There will be a high score called the Merit Index (MI) associated with each subject in Olympiads. The MI in a subject is defined as 80% of the average of the top ten scores in that subject rounded off to the nearest lower integer. All students with a score equal to or greater than merit index MI for the subject will automatically qualify for INO Stage II examination in that subject.
  • Proportional Representation Clause:  The quota for each State/UT used in National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) 2013-14, a nationwide competitive examination will be used as the baseline for calculating the number of students qualifying for Stage II INO in every subject from centres in that State or UT. The target total number of students to be selected in each subject (except Astronomy) is 300. Suppose the NTSE quota is S for a State, and the total for all States and UTs is T, then the total number of students to be selected to INO Stage II from that State would be S/T times 300, rounded off to the nearest higher integer. This number will include those selected on the basis of the Merit Index. In the event of tie at the last position in the list, all students with same marks at this position will qualify to appear for the INO Stage II examination. The selected students must nevertheless satisfy the eligibility clause. The number to be selected from all the centres in each State or UT will be displayed on the IAPT and HBCSE websites   (www.iapt.org.in; olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in).
  • Minimum Representation Clause: Notwithstanding the proportional representation clause the number of students selected for INO from each State and UT must be at least one, provided that the eligibility clause is satisfied.
  • Minimum Total Number Clause: In each subject, after all the above criteria have been applied, it is possible that the target number of 300 students to be selected for INO is not reached (due to nonavailability of enough number of students in some states who satisfy Eligibility Clause (a)). In such an event, additional students will be
    selected purely merit-wise, provided Eligibility Clause (a) is satisfied, till the target number of 300 is reached. Other clauses will not apply for these students. In case of a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at this position will qualify to appear for the INO Stage II examination.
  • Previous International Representation Clause: Candidates who have represented India in the International Olympiad on a previous occasion (IOAA, IBO, IChO, IJSO and IPhO) need not appear for the first stage NSE examination in the respective subject. Candidates who have represented India in the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) and the International Astronomy Olympiad Junior (IAO-Jr) need not
    appear for the 1st stage NSEP and NSEA Examinations respectively. Those candidates who thus qualify to skip the first stage NSEs may be allowed, on written request, to the respective National Coordinator, to directly appear for the second stage Indian National Olympiad (INO) examination, provided they satisfy other eligibility criteria such as age, pre-college status, etc.
Eligibility for Astronomy (INAO) 2018
In order to encourage younger students to participate in astronomy Olympiad the rules of selection for Stage II (INAO) are modified as below:
  1. The student pool of NSEA will be divided into two groups:
    i. Group A: Students who are in Class XII as of November 30, 2017
    ii. Group B: Students who are in Class XI or lower as of November
    30, 2017
  2. For Stage II (INAO), a target number of 250 students will be selected from each group. Thus, a total of 500 students will be selected.
  3. The MI and MAS will be calculated separately for each of these groups.
  4. All the clauses ((a) to (f) above) of selection will be applied separately to each group.
  5. The question papers of NSEA 2017 and INAO 2018 will be identical for the two groups.
Stage III – Orientation-Cum-Selection Camps (OCSCs)
On the basis of performance in the Indian National Olympiads students will be selected in each subject for the Orientation-Cum-Selection Camp (OCSC) in that subject. At these camps, orientation is provided to students for Olympiad level of theoretical, experimental and observational (for astronomy) tasks.
Several theoretical and experimental/observational tests are held during the camp. On the basis of performance in these tests, few students (numbers specified below) are selected to represent India at the international Olympiads. These students also receive merit awards in the form of books and cash.Science-Olympiad-Brochure-2017-18_pdf-page-014.jpg
The number of students to be selected for OCSC is 35 in Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science and Physics, and 50 in Astronomy, unless declared to be otherwise before the INO examinations. In the event there is a tie at the last position in the merit list of the respective INO, all students with the same marks at the last position will qualify to be selected for the OCSC.
The OCSC dates will be announced on HBCSE website (olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in) by January 15, 2018.
Stage IV – Training of Indian teams for International Olympiads at HBCSE
The selected Indian teams undergo a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiment and in case of astronomy, observational astronomy prior to their departure for the international Olympiads. Special laboratories have been developed in HBCSE for this purpose.
Stage V – Participation in International Olympiads
Important Links
IAPT Offical Website: http://www.iapt.org.in/
HBCSE official Website: http://olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in/
Information Brochure:  http://olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in/olympiads/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Science-Olympiad-Brochure-2017-18_pdf.pdf

International Olympiad of Science (iOS) 2017 – Silver Zone Foundation

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The International Olympiad of Science, a test of competence and proficiency in Science, is held annually at the National and International levels, based on syllabus prescribed by CBSE/ICSE and the State BoardsApart from syllabus, a part of test paper is based on the Applied Science.
Students judge themselves at international levels. The tests at local or regional level does not provide the right insight and judgment about the challenges ahead. iOS builds a solid foundation for school students to excel in Science based on ICSE, CBSE and State board syllabus.
A comprehensive report based on Olympiad examination enables students to delve deeper into their strengths and weaknesses. It also motivates them towards excellence.
iOS promotes Science talents from school to national and higher levels by recognizing their merits and awarding them.
Structure of the Olympiad
  • Level 1 :All the students of classes 1st to 12 are eligible to take part in Level 1
  • Level 2 :Top 500 Olympiad rank holders of the 1st Level from each class will compete for top positions in a 2nd level examination. All Class 1st rank holders with minimum 75% of Marks with Minimum 75 Students from a particular school are also eligible for Level 2.
  • Level 3 :Olympiad 1st Rank Holders of classes 6th to 12th from 2nd level will be eligible for Level 3. Level 3 will be conducted at New Delhi, India.
About Test Paper
  • The language medium is English only.
  • The examination is being conducted for all classes from 1st to 12th with the following details.
    For Classes 1-2 : There will be 40 questions and the duration will be of 60 Minutes.
    For Classes 3-12: There will be 50 questions and the duration will be of 60 Minutes.*
  • The questions will be of objective type in nature with multiple choice answersThere is no negative marking. For classes 3rd onward OMR answer sheets will be provided.
Prizes for Students
Level 3
  • Top 2 students of the 3rd level participants will be sent for educational excursion to NASA.

Level 2
  • Olympiad 1st rank holder of class 12th will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/- along with a Winner’s Trophy and Olympiad 1st rank holder of class 11th will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/- along with a Winner’s Trophy.
  • 1st Olympiad rank holder from classes 1st to10th will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 15,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
  • 2nd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
  • 3rd Olympiad rank holder in each class will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 5,000/- each with a Winner’s Trophy.
  • All State Rank 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of all classes will be awarded with exciting prizes.
  • All participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC).

Level 1
  • 4th to 10th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with wrist watches.
  • 11th to 25th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with exciting prizes.
  • 26th to 500th Olympiad rank holders of each class will be awarded with the topper achievement certificate.
  • Class Topper 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders of every class of each school will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals respectively, provided the topper obtains at least 50% marks.
  • All participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC) & Descriptive Assessment Report.

Important Dates
Level 1
  • iOS 2017 will be conducted on 15th November 2017 and 06th December 2017. Please decide the date which is suitable to your school. You may opt for either 15th November 2017 or 06th December 2017 as your International Olympiad of Science date.
  • Last date of registration is 31st August 2017.
  • The Result of the 1st Level will be available at www.silverzone.org in the month of January 2018.
Level 2
  • The 2nd Level will be conducted in the month of Jan/Feb 2018. The Awards, prizes and certificates will be sent to the school within 3 to 4 weeks after the declaration of result at our website.
  • All the participants will be awarded with the Student Participation Certificate (SPC) .
Level 3
  • Level 3 will be conducted in the Month of July/August 2018 at New Delhi.
Syllabus & Sample Question Papers
Syllabus & Sample question papers are available in the following link: http://silverzone.org/newweb/ios_syllabus_question_paper.html

SOF IMO 2017

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Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) was established by leading academicians, scientists and media personalities with the aim of promoting science, mathematics, computer education, English, General Knowledge and professional courses. Science Olympiad Foundation has been striving for over two decades to promote scientific attitude and temperament through innovative activities and use of IT in learning process that involve school students across the country. All activities of the Foundation invariably aim at making learning an interesting and interactive process in which the learner is actually able to put his / her skills, memory, talent and knowledge to test.
The foundation conducts the following Olympiads like National Cyber Olympiad, National Science Olympiad, International Mathematics Olympiad, International English Olympiad, International Company Secretaries Olympiad, International General Knowledge Olympiad.
How to Participate in SOF IMO
Registration of Students: The IMO is open to the students of classes 1 to 12. Prospectus containing the Registration forms are sent to all schools registered with SOF. Schools not registered may also request for prospectus by sending an e-mail at info@sofworld.org / phone call. Schools must return the registration forms to SOF, duly filled in and complete in all respects by the due date.
The IMO is conducted on two dates for Level 1. Each school may select a date for conducting the IMO as per its convenience. Each date of exam has a separate question paper. Change of date for conducting the IMO is not permitted.

Students should register through their respective schools only. Individual registrations by students are not accepted.

The International Mathematics Olympiad is conducted at two levels:
Level 1: The first level of the test is organized in the respective schools of the participants during school hours.
(i) The level 1 competition is an objective-type test of 60 minutes duration comprising 35 objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions for class 1 to class 4 and 50 objective-type (Multiple Choice) questions for class 5 to class 12.
(ii) The question paper consists of four sections:
  • Section-1: Logical Reasoning
  • Section-2: Mathematical Reasoning
  • Section-3: Everyday Mathematics\
  • Section-4:Achievers Section
(iii) There are separate question papers for each class.
(iv) The medium of the test is English.
(v) CBSE, ICSE/ISC and State Board syllabi are followed for setting the test papers.

Level 2: The level 2 is conducted for students of class 3 to class 12. The qualifiers to second round would include the following:
  • Top 5% of candidates class wise who appear for the 1st level exam. In case of a tie of marks, due weightage to marks scored in different sections will be given. Each section is accorded separate weightage.
  • Top 25 rank holders class wise & Zone wise.
  • Class topper where at least 10 students from a class appear in the exam & scores 50% qualifying marks. In case registration is received section wise, top rank holder, irrespective of section will qualify for the 2nd level. For section wise registrations, winner(s) of gold medal may not necessarily qualify for the second level.

Exam Date

Level 1: 5th & 14th December 2017
Level 2: 2nd / 3rd Sunday of Feb 2018


International & Zonal topper awards will be provided to 2nd level winnersFor classes 1 & 2, awards will be provided to 1st level winners.
Each winner will be entitled to one award for an exam. The winners will be entitled to the higher level award only. For e.g., the international top 3 rank holders will be entitled to awards based on their International ranks. Awards accruing to them for Zonal ranks will be given to the next rank holder. Similarly, class award accruing to a Zonal award winner will be given to the next rank holder.


1stRs.50,000/- Each + Gold Medal*+ Certificate of Outstanding12
2ndRs.25,000/- Each + Silver Medal*+ Certificate of Outstanding12
3rdRs.10,000/- Each + Bronze Medal*+ Certificate of Outstanding12
1stRs.5,000/- Each + Gold Medal*+ Certificate of Zonal Excellence240
2ndRs.2,500/- Each + Silver Medal*+ Certificate of Zonal Excellence240
3rdRs.1,000/- Each + Bronze Medal*+ Certificate of Zonal Excellence240
4th to 10th*Gifts Worth Rs.1000/- Each + Certificates of Zonal Excellence + Medal of Distinction**1680
11th to 25thCertificates of Zonal Excellence + Medal of Distinction**3600
Rank 26+Merit CertificateAll
*Medals are Gold / Silver / Bronze color plated as applicable
**For classes one & two only


1 to 25Medal of Excellence** + Certificate of Distinction240
Rank 26+Participation CertificateAll
**For classes three to twelve
In case two or more students achieve the same rank, cash award in the applicable category will be distributed as under:
International Winners – 
  • For up to 9 students getting same rank, award amount will be distributed equally. In addition, each winner will be awarded a medal (in the applicable category) and a Certificate.
  • In case more than 9 students get same rank, in lieu of cash award each winner will be awarded gifts worth Rs.1,000/- each + a medal ( in the applicable category) and Certificate.
Zonal Winners –  
  • For up to 4 students getting same rank, award amount will be distributed equally. In addition, each winner will be awarded a medal (in the applicable category) and a Certificate.
  • In case more than 4 students get same rank, in lieu of cash award, each winner will be awarded gifts worth Rs.1,000/- each + a medal (in the applicable category) and Certificate.


1. Medals to Class Toppers.
  • Where 10 or more students from a class (including all sections) write an exam – the top three rank holders will be awarded a gold, silver and bronze medal respectively.
  • Where between 5 to 9 students from a class (including all sections) write an exam – the topper awarded a gold medal.
  • In addition to above, for each section from a class, from where 25 or more students write an exam – the top three rank holders will be awarded a gold, silver and bronze medal respectively.
2. Student Performance Report (SPR) for each participating student.
  • Every student who appears in IMO  is provided with a Student Performance Report (SPR). An SPR is a detailed analysis of how the student attempted the 1st level Olympiad exam.
  • The objective of SPR is to share with the student and her / his parents, analysis of student’s answers. This is expected to enable the student understand her/his strengths and areas requiring improvement in absolute terms and also on a competitive scale consisting of lacs of students of her/his class who appeared for the Olympiad.
The SPR consists of six sections:
  • Section A – provides the student’s marks and rank achieved in school / city / zonal / at international level.
  • Section B – provides a topic wise performance score of the student.
  • Section C – provides a comparison of the student’s performance in the Olympiad exams during the past 8 years.
  • Section D – provides correct answers to questions asked in the Olympiad exam, the answers given by the student and performance comparison of the student’s answers vs other students in the state and at the international level.
  • Section E – provides a percentile score analysis of the student with a comparison with the class, zone and international percentile.
  • Section F – provides a comparison of average marks analysis at the school, zone and international level.
  • Section G – Provide a topic wise performance analysis.
3. Participation Certification to each student.

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